Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"Sure Cure"

From colon cleanses to oil of this and tea of that to eating raw garlic, there's a lot out there that claims to have some effect on candida. It could be a full time job just figuring this out and then implementing the plan! (I mean, RAW GARLIC! Have you ever tried it? It burns!!)

Which is why so many of us latch on to the first site that promises fast, pain-free results! We go through the regimen, no matter how expensive and depriving, and we wear ourselves out trying to make sure we take these three pills 20 minutes before eating and those two pills during our meals and don't forget the tea!


Not to mention meal prep. You wouldn't even dream of making anyone else eat it, so you make two meals (something I've sworn not to do!) and somehow eat half of your own meal because quite frankly, it's horrible.

But the more I research and hear from real people, what worked for them and what didn't, I'm getting back to reality.

The point I'm taking from a lot of what I read and hear is that all of our bodies are different. It's something I've been saying for years. Candida charts a different course in every body. Some are similar, some completely different, and some of us have a lot of overlap in it's effect on us.

In the same way, treatment is going to be different as well. Maybe raw garlic doesn't burn for someone else. Maybe I'm the only freak of nature that can't stand the taste of soy. Maybe you LIKE the restrictions of the candida diet. Maybe you can use threelac and no diet restrictions and it works like a charm and for me it won't because I've been battling it, unbeknownst to me, since the day I was born. (More on that in a later post.)

But I digress...we're all different and different treatments will work for different people. Sites and companies that spout their "this will work for you" marketing scheme really don't get it. But then again, they're the sales people, we're the ones suffering from the actual problem.

1 comment:

Samual James said...

Finding the remedy for candida is not much difficult, but the problem is, most of the people are not aware of the correct path to choose. Thanks a lot for showing them the way which will take them to a healthy life.

candida dieet